
Unos datos sobre mi

About me

Mi nombre es José María Pereiro, nací en Vitoria – Gasteiz, la capital del País Vasco, en España y desde el año 2.015 ejerzo en Japón como profesor de ELE (Español como Lengua Extranjera). Así mismo desarrollo un programa de enseñanza «blended learning», inicialmente dirigido a alumnos japoneses.

My name is José María Pereiro, I was born in Vitoria – Gasteiz, the Basque Country Capital, in Spain. Since 2.015 I practice in Japan as a professor of ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language). Also I’m developing a «blended learning» teaching program, initially aimed to Japanese students.

Siguiendo las recomendaciones de algunos MOOC en los que he participado y con el objetivo de gamificar el aprendizaje, primero interiorizando su uso para implementarlo después en mis alumnos, uso un avatar en este portafolio de cursos. Mi avatar «Itachi Yunagi» proviene de una simpática anécdota que me sucedió en los primeros meses de residencia en Japón.

Following the recommendations of some MOOCs in which I participated and with the aim of gaming learning, interiorizing its use first to implement it later in my students, I use an avatar in this portfolio of courses. My avatar «Itachi Yunagi» comes from a nice anecdote that happened me in the first months of residence in Japan.

Cursos e insignias · Courses and badges



The University of Salamanca and the publisher Edinumen organize a NOOC aimed to the constant training of teachers.




Platform: MIRÍADAX

Miríadax is a platform created on the initiative of Telefónica that is committed to promoting open knowledge, in the field of Higher Education.

Instituto Cervantes


Platform: MIRÍADAX

Miríadax is a platform created on the initiative of Telefónica that is committed to promoting open knowledge, in the field of Higher Education.


Platform: INTEF

INTEF is an institution dependent on the Spanish Government that is aimed to improving teacher competence.



Platform: INTEF

INTEF is an institution dependent on the Spanish Government that is aimed to improving teacher competence.

Platform: MOODLE

Platform for creating courses.


Platform: PDP-ELE

The University of La Rioja and the publisher Edinumen, annually organize a MOOC aimed to the constant training of teachers.


School: TIA TULA

Academy certified by the Instituto Cervantes. Specialized in training teachers of Spanish as a foreign language.

Formación de Profesores de ELE

Enseñanza a través de las TIC’s

Si deseas contactar conmigo hazlo a través del siguiente formulario:

If you want to contact me, do it through the following form: